Monday, September 23, 2013

The Green House

This is my new toy, my green house.We bought it online, had it delivered and erected it...all 148 lbs of a trazillion plastic parts.My husband deserves the Purple Heart .

Since a nice gusty September wind could send this 8' x 8 ' plastic building tumbling downhill into the pond, my darlin' husband built a pressureized treated floor and bolted it down

. Then he tossed a couple of sections of rope over the roof and secured it to the ground. Good thinkin!
The inside smells sooo good of new wood, oregano and  basil plants and my scented candle. Of course I had to move right in, nesty gal that I am. The scented candle got hung from the rafter.The basil, that I bought in the produce section of the supermarket 1 year ago,took a top shelf position.

I placed a comfy patio chair in the corner . Notice my orange sink.....NOOOO!!  It's no longer laundry detergent. I use these containers for water as flowing sink water when the power goes out.I keep 5 on hand.

My oregano , cat nip ~~   and the wheel cheese  crates below are holding strawberry plants.

I bought 50 plants half price but cannot yet plant them in the garden until we till it down after the remaining crops are done. In the meantime I will hothouse the strawberry plants.

I moved the cider press into the corner of the greenhouse. I have at least 3 apple trees to pick and then press very soon.I  also hope to salvage this tomato plant , next to the press, so that I can have fresh tomatoes  during the later fall & early  winter.I pruned a good deal back and several branches had sucker roots which I buried.I do hope it takes.

SOMEWHERE ~~~  I don't know where....the time came to muster up enough energy to can pears.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Julia and George Indyke's wedding and family pictures

These pictures are of my husband's Grandparents wedding around 100 years ago. They came from Poland and I have both of their steamer trunks that they traveled with.
 They were married in Newark,NJ I assume. I have no idea who the wedding party identities are.

Grandma,Julia Indyke  came to this country when she was 16. She caught Typhus in the hold of the ship en route and nearly died. She was taken to a NYC hospital after her arrival at Ellis Island ,where she recovered. She always feared travel sickness afterward and never returned to Poland to visit her family despite reassurances from others that jet travel is safe.

 This is the family picture.My mother in law, Elizabeth,is sitting on Grandpa George Indyke's lap.One more baby, Eddie, would be born after this picture was taken.Helen is the only child in the picture who is still alive.She is the girl on the far right. She is 95 yrs old.

I don't know who the family members on the right are in the picture below.

I tried to get a better angle to avoid the flash glare from obscuring the picture.

Friday, September 20, 2013

We have a new border in our cellar....we call him Froggie. Very original, that name. This little frog shows up and sleeps here in the crack in the window every night for the past month or so.He disappears by day, hunts for bugs, then returns at night. He pays us no mind. We can tickle his belly, take a flash picture, yet he stays put. We had to screw a wire mesh screen across the window. My border collie smashed thru the window when he saw chickens on the other side.

 What a nice surprise!! I received a braid of nice large onions from Danny and  Jamie's garden. My onions never do well.I don't quite know why.

How often do you see kittens curled up cuddling with their daddy cat while they sleep? Notice, of course, who is BEHIND the chair~~~  Buddy, the naughty border collie. He's just waiting for the chance to continue herding kittens.As you can see, the kitty's fur is all gummed up from Buddy searching for ticks in her fur.

Everything, just EVERYTHING comes in all at once in September !! I'm trying to keep up with tomatoes, but now apples are sweet and must be picked ~ lest  a bee's wing strikes it and the thrashing causes the ripened apple to fall to the ground,dashing it to pieces. This tree is in my horse pasture. Not a single apple remains on the ground beyond a 3 minute 'THUD'. 

Therefore, I am in a COMPETITION!!!!   I must get EVERY APPLE~~~ I must.....  I MUST !!!!  Time is of the essence!!   The horses are in the outer  barn eating hay....the sheep and goats are in the inner barn eating hay and cauliflower leaves. I am ALONE !!   No one sees me.......... rarely does a year go by without an apple falling from the highest perch and striking me right SMACK in the eye. 

Jamie notified me of a wonderful tip~~   those nasty spots that make apples so disagreeable to look upon will  actually wash away with a little rubbing and running water. I was delighted!   Ah yes~~  I also had to pick the little pear tree today too. I wrestled with multiple species of the bee kingdom also but I remain intact and un~stung.

I couldn't walk past the cauliflower without it whispering~~"Pick ME !!   Pick ME TOO !! "   (SIGH!!)   Cauliflower is very shy, as you can see, and hides behind her leaves. They cuddle her whiteness and say...."No ! Don't look in there !" As I'm peeling back the heavy dark green leaves for an unexpected surprise!

Friday, September 6, 2013


Yepper~~  It's BIG POT KITCHEN DAY!!  One pot's full of tomato peels, one pot is for canning and one pot is for cooking down the tomatoes into sauce or salsa.

All year long I trim my basil plant that I keep in the downstairs bathroom. I freeze the leaves in tinfoil.It does not change the original flavour and tastes SO MUCH BETTER than dried basil leaves.My blue pants are sprayed with cornstarch, my right ankle is killing me from being on my feet, nonstop for i don't know HOW MANY days !!
 Goofy Gus poses for a picture. No matter where I relocated the camera, he jumped in front and posed. Silly Boy!  (:>
I have so much produce, right now, I don't know what to do with it all. I offer it to others and some jump right in, but many others just look at me blank.I am very sad tonight. My little 14 yr old doggie, Ramsey, has been missing for 5 days. There has been no trace of her and she is deaf as a doornail. 
poor liitle gal~ no....the county SPCA's have no word on her. Tonight I heard the coyotes howling in the back woods. I truly hope that wasn't her last encounter.My hope is that I shall find her...asleep in the woods...with Jesus. Dear little Ramsey.