Tuesday, April 28, 2009

An Islamic regime must be serious in every field," explained Ayatollah Khomeini. "There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam."

That's too bad.God created man in His image after His likeness.Laughter comes naturally to us , like a reflex.Therefore God has a sense of humour.God laughs.Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones".
I remember the Ayatollah Khomeini days , after the Shah of Iran was ousted.Khomeini was the one who first labeled the USA as "That great Satan".I'll never forget the day I read his statement ,"No more Mr Nice-Guy" ~referring to himself . HAH!
I think the Lord Jesus Christ had a marvelous sense of humor.I keep Him in mind when I'm at work because He dealt with large crowds of the sick all trying to be taken care of next.(I'm an ER nurse in a busy hospital.Sunday we signed in 100 patients between 3PM-12:oo midnight.The previous weekend we had 15 traumas besides multiple critical care issues).I read accounts of Him healing people in a house surrounded by an ever growing crowd pressing to 'get in'.I have no problem visualizing these scenes.People with "withered" limbs or inability to speak(probably from strokes),bleeding issues,blindness,crippling diseases.Others wracked with pain or swollen and short of breath.Babies crying, children whining . Peter sits out in triage and other disciples try to maintain crowd control and answer that nagging question, "How much longer till I get in?".They had no opportunity to eat.Just too busy.He is teaching as well as healing.Jesus touches a man's eyes and his sight is restored.The report buzzes through the growing mass of people standing on their toes,leaning forward straining to see,"What just happened??" ."Old Yahkov can see! Look at his face!".The press of the crowd becomes greater and more stifling.The sun is higher in the sky and the day grows hotter.Here comes Lifeflight on the roof! The crew of four guys lower a man down on a stretcher/bed ,or couch, after breaking open the roof tiles.The man has "palsy", he's paralyzed . Jesus,"And when he saw their faith,he said unto him , Man, thy sins are forgiven thee." Now there's contention added in the air as religious leaders take offence that Jesus has the audacity to make such a statement and claim such authority.
Another time ,similar to this , Jesus is at another house surrounded by a mixed assortment of people .Some were there straining to hear his teaching, others to be healed of various physical or spiritual (demonic)problems,and the ever present scribes & pharisees trying to catch Him in some act or statement as evidence with which they might arrest Him.It adds to stress.The scene is the same as above.Different location.He is teaching the parable of the Sower (Luke 8).Then Mary, the mother of Jesus, arrives with His brethren and wishes to speak with Him.They can't get near and no one will let them through.She is a good Jewish mother and is concerned for her son.She probably had a pot of soup or stew ,bread and a few pickles .She catches the eyes of the "multitude" as she is calling Him. She probably holds up the lunch pail calls out,"I need to talk to Him! He's not eating! This is too much!" "These people are wearing Him out! Where did He sleep last night?",she's thinking.The crowd passes the message to Jesus that His mother and brethren "stand without,desiring to see Thee." And He answered and said unto them ,My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God,and do it." I can just see Philip and Andrew ~"Go tell her what He said." "Huh! I ain't telling her that. You go tell her!"
Over & over Jesus constantly refers to "The scriptures" and says "As it is written" and He chides people for not knowing the scriptures.
So, when it becomes overwhelming at work, I think of the above situations and I'm amused.Jesus remained focused on the job that was there to be done.He saw the whole man~ the physical needs, the emotional need of the soul and the spiritual need that only He and the Word of God could fulfill.
The Bible is filled with words like "merry", "cheerful heart", "rejoice".
James 5:13 "Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray. Is any merry ? Let him sing psalms". I thought about this, why James directs merriness to the psalms and I believe it's to keep us focused on right things.Psalms are songs of praise to God.Paul says in Ephesians 5:19 "Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord"

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