Monday, July 11, 2011

Hay Day !

I have uploaded this picture before. Why not? Nothing much changes with hay gathering.Every year it looks the same.I have a very pretty, very large hay barn.The kind that makes you want to climb up near the rafters, find a cozy spot and read a book.Load after load was trekked down the road .I remarked to my neighbor, who farms the hay, "Wow! You sure got a lot of hay this time around!" He shook his head and said, "Never had so much". We've had a LOT of rain.This past week we've had a lot of sunshine.Farmers like the second cutting of hay. It produces nicer hay than June.My horses are not picky. We all know that June gets the rain. July & August can be plagued by drought. I'll take June hay anytime. I'm not a gambler.This years June hay was coarser than last years. I don't know why. My horses eat every morsal and have nice fat rumps. (:> Today was 97F in certain nearby areas. I only wanted to be near the beach.

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