Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Fisherman
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Miss America !
FINNEGAN SPECIAL repels Honor Killings
Friday, February 20, 2009
Digging for potatoes
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Loading Piggers & Snowy Squall
Winter Continues!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
This is my absolute favorite picture of my twin grandsons, Brandon & Bailey. They are now 10 yrs old~ 8 yrs old in this picture.This pic was taken when the garden looked good~~ this too shal pass! (haha!) Good ole stringbeans! I prefer them canned. I get so many that I freeze a good deal of them & those I feed to the piggers in winter so that they have veggies. 'Outta the freezer as a stringbean....back in the freezer as a pokechop! 'Most of our veggies we raise ~potatoes, bell peppers,onions,cabbage for sauerkraut,tomatoes, corn, stringbeans, broccoli,pumpkins,red beets,brussel sprouts, cucumbers; then we buy carrots (50# bags )& cut up & can those.Those are a pain in the butt to raise yourself,so I buy them from the produce stand down the road.I gotta tell you about the produce stand down the road~~ WHAT A GREAT PLACE!! It's the size of a one car garage.However, you can buy everything you need there! One day I walked in & said to myself,'maybe i'll buy a cabbage'.They were pretty huge~ so I asked the price ....."HOW MANY DO YOU WANT?? TEN???"he said~~ 'what is he nuts??' I thought. "Ten???", I said~ "Why would I want TEN???"~~~~ "Don't you make your own sauerkruat?? EVERYYYYY BODDDYYYY up here makes their own sauerkraut!!"~~ "How do you do that?", I said & they told me. Easy! and out came the directions.So, I've been making my own sauerkraut ever since. "SURE! ", I said "Gimme 10 !" I love that store. Someday I'll tell you more stories . They make me smile! They SURE don't have stores like this around anymore.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
"I'll Be Bock"
Saturday, February 14, 2009
It's amazing what a little sunshine & warm breeze can do for the soul ! The gloom of winter is put on pause and winter songbirds flit about happily. The chickens excitedly scratch into the softened soil & grass where ice & snow have melted away.My white quaterhorse, Dolly,cannot resist a roll in the mud.WHY does she do that?
February's brief thaw is the time to take advantage of the mushy soil to reseed the horse pastures.The fields will soon be covered again with a blanket of snow & draw in the seeds for the remaining winter's sleep. So, I sit at breakfast and browse through seed catalogues that arrive in the mail and mull over what I will plant this year . The garden is a whopping 185' x 185' . Each year it needs to be rotated .Potatoes can't go where they were last year, the corn will be on the opposite side~ or should I put it down the bottom ? If this goes here then this cannot go here, etc. I welcomed winter's arrival this year. It was a relief from the summer & fall canning & freezing , raising & butchering meat chickens and garden management. September was the end of garden 'management' .Weeding became a distant memory. I'd stand with my hands on my hips with a lost look on my face & say ,"Now I know I have 120 tomato plants in here SOMEWHERE ! By the time I dug that last wheelbarrow load of potatoes from the nearly frozen earth in November, I had had enough! How good of God to give us winter to rest along with the fruit trees . Spring will be here in another 2 months and with its' arrival a rejuvenated spirit to plow & plant and experience the great feeling of the cool freshly plowed earth on bare feet.!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Spring comes around & City people have a weekend off & have confiscated your fishing hole ! No matter~ you couldn't get there anyway! Too much to do! By the time feeding & cleaning & gathering are done, it's just too late to get to the fishing or favorite huntimg spot!
I am at the twilight of my youthful years.Soon I will hit 60. I worry if the apple trees, the cherry trees, the grape vines, peach & pear trees & plums will produce enough fruit to actually deal with before I get too old to care anymore.
God has a great deal to say about family matters. My area has to deal with what HE has to say about grandparenting. I am no longer planning or planning ahead. I am now LOOKING BACK.The CROWN OF OLD AGE. Proverbs 13:22 a ~~ "A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children; " . I am hoping I can leave each of my grandchildren with a START in life. But, I also have my own children. How shall I do this?? All in one lifetime??
What is the oldest profession in the world ? ~~~ Farming Genesis 1:8
What is the 2nd oldest professon ? ~~~~ midwifery. ( Also Genesis. 4:1 Adam wa the first midwife! )
What is the 3rd oldest profession ?? ~~~~ Gen 4:4 sheepherding then cattle herding.
SORRY !! ~~~~ Prostitution is a DEFORMITY in the course of human events.