Monday, February 16, 2009

This is my absolute favorite picture of my twin grandsons, Brandon & Bailey. They are now 10 yrs old~ 8 yrs old in this picture.This pic was taken when the garden looked good~~ this too shal pass! (haha!) Good ole stringbeans! I prefer them canned. I get so many that I freeze a good deal of them & those I feed to the piggers in winter so that they have veggies. 'Outta the freezer as a stringbean....back in the freezer as a pokechop! 'Most of our veggies we raise ~potatoes, bell peppers,onions,cabbage for sauerkraut,tomatoes, corn, stringbeans, broccoli,pumpkins,red beets,brussel sprouts, cucumbers; then we buy carrots (50# bags )& cut up & can those.Those are a pain in the butt to raise yourself,so I buy them from the produce stand down the road.I gotta tell you about the produce stand down the road~~ WHAT A GREAT PLACE!! It's the size of a one car garage.However, you can buy everything you need there! One day I walked in & said to myself,'maybe i'll buy a cabbage'.They were pretty huge~ so I asked the price ....."HOW MANY DO YOU WANT?? TEN???"he said~~ 'what is he nuts??' I thought. "Ten???", I said~ "Why would I want TEN???"~~~~ "Don't you make your own sauerkruat?? EVERYYYYY BODDDYYYY up here makes their own sauerkraut!!"~~ "How do you do that?", I said & they told me. Easy! and out came the directions.So, I've been making my own sauerkraut ever since. "SURE! ", I said "Gimme 10 !" I love that store. Someday I'll tell you more stories . They make me smile! They SURE don't have stores like this around anymore.

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