Tuesday, November 24, 2020

      Well, this Corona virus will not leave us alone. It has wrecked havoc upon nations since last December/January 2019/20. People like myself that have age or medical conditions have to be extra careful and  have limited shoulder rubbing with crowds in the general population. So, we become "shut ins" for the past year. 

        What do "shut ins" do to entertain themselves and those in their household?  Hmmmm????   We can pull out old piano lessons that frustrated our piano teacher and finally perfect them. Beethoven or Handel will do. Or how about setting up the trains that have been sitting in the attic for 16 years??   Then refuse

to take them down.That's exactly what I did this past year.

Another great idea i to make glass eyes.  No, that's not weird . I know, I know.... it sounds like it's right out of the book "The Alienist."   Creepy book (  I couldn't put it down.)   No. these are for marionettes. First I have to make the paper mache' bodies then set the eyes in  the heads

.I suggest you store them in a candy box for safe keeping.

I have to keep practicing to perfect them. Blues, green eyes, amber, violet. Even red is pretty cool. One thing I don't like about marionettes is the penchant puppeteers have for really evil, creepy looking characters. Witches, trolls, warlocks. I prefer nice looking faces.
      I started out using porcelain dolls because their faces were pleasant and some really beautiful. But their heads are heavy. Their limbs are stuffed and stiff. They don't sit.  NO PROBLEMO !   We can fix this !  
I cut the arms and legs and made joints 
This is what I will probably will occupy myself with for  awhile.

What else can we 'shut ins' do ??  Well, we can certainly read. I would suggest you get Candace Owens' book "BLACKOUT".    Good, good read  !!!     Very well written   Also, Goodwill only charges 99 cents for books and 5 for 99 cents (for 20 cents a book you can't go wrong. ) I have gotten really good books there. Salvation Army is also another place for great finds and buys.

What is the problem with this Corona Virus ?  According to the Chinese Whistleblower and virologist Li-Meng Yan  it is not mutating. As a virus mutates it becomes weaker and finally we don't hear about it anymore. It goes away. But she claims that is how she knows it was created in in a lab. It is not mutating, therefore not weakening and we are stuck with it again this year. Li Meng Yan believes it was  deliberately set free to infect our countries. 


So, shut ins like me also follow what China is doing. I chose that instead of crocheting a blanket today. Check out what China is doing with their naval base locations. They have located them all along the west and east coasts of Africa up along the countries along the coasts of the Indian ocean and up through the south China Sea and north along it's own costal banks .China will tell you it's for commerce.   However China makes no secret that it fully intends to become the world's number one military and economic power. Scary stuff. If you have enough interest in this I would encourage you to get UNRESTRICTED WARFARE which is translated from the original PEOPLE'S LIBERATION ARMY DOCUMENTS    by Col. QIAO LIANG  and COL  WANG XIANGSUI .  You can buy this book online. I did and it's a good read.     

       Well, shut in or not I won't shut up. President Trump understood what is going on but the money hungry globalists will sell this country out. It makes my heart ache .