Sunday, January 20, 2019

2. Caring for our fellow man in disaster

        In the previous blog I discussed helping others in a disaster situation. In the event of an E.M.P. attack or any prolonged electric grid failure , water will quickly become a problem. City water will eventually give out as pumps from reservoirs  fail. Well water from rural areas rely upon electric water pumps to draw the water out of the wells. I am mainly addressing rural home dwellers  that have access to well water or some other water source. Youtube has some great sites teaching you how to access your well for water with some very simple methods.   We will need water for drinking and water for sanitation.  Once we know how to go about accessing it and have the simple gear to do it we should share this info with neighbors & friends for preparedness before the unthinkable happens.However, not everyone thinks on this wavelength assuming that electricity will always be there for them. Therefore, having access to water is important and sharing it is not only merciful but necessary to keep panic levels and violence at bay.
        When I finish 2 L. bottles of soda or juice I rinse them out and fill them with water. I store them away and cover them with plastic to keep dust off. These can be shared with others and they can keep the vessels for refills.
         Visit the neighbors and show them how to access their water. If they have the equipment laying around to make their own access, (PVC pipe, etc.~  see Youtube videoes), then encourage them to show others.
          Creek, pond & lake waters can be used for non drinking needs. If you have access to this water share it and pass along to others who don't. If you have a lid on your septic tank you can dump human waste down there or use a 5 gallon bucket of water to flush your toilet.
           I also think about those people who will be traveling the roads on foot and will need a water source. Some sort of a set up should be available to them along roads for drinking water as well as for washing. Any ideas ?
           Water purification methods ,boiling, etc are readily available on prepper sites, Youtube, etc.
As long as you have ice or snow you can distill water by placing a pyrex bowl inside a larger pot of water. Make sure there is a few inches of space between the walls of the bowl and the walls of the pot.Bring water to a  boil and cover the pot with an upside down cover with ice or snow on it. This causes condensation from the evaporating water as it boils and will drip into the bowl.

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