Sunday, January 20, 2019

Caring for our fellow man post disaster

     One thing I have noticed on "prepper sites" when discussing SHTF scenarios is a lack of prepping for "the other guy". "What is the first thing you would do?", was the heading of one of the worst case scenario  discussions. Amazing how many, after gathering their loved ones, would head for the house, lock the doors, pull down the blinds and poke the barrel of their shotgun out of the corner of the upstairs window.
     In the event of an E.M.P. attack , which would take down  the grid and incapacitate most vehicles, those survivalists away from home would immediately recognize what was happening and grab their bugout bag and either head for home or the hills to get out of the city. Wide sweeping  panic would hit the general population  There would be a run on  banks for cash, grocery stores for all they could carry and beer & liquor stores would very quickly have empty shelves.Looting would become the general mode of payment since  electricity had ceased functioning."It's all about me and my family" as we enter  survival mode. The streets of cities, interstates and rural areas will be filled with vehicles that came to a sudden stop . Bewildered passengers  would begin wandering off highways in search of help  after they realized the futility of trying to restart their engines. Other immediate disasters will quickly follow, but let's not go there now.
       What about our fellow man? What about "Love thy neighbor?"  How should we react?  In the beginning of panic situations you will have to exercise great caution . Help where you can but watch your back.What I would like to address here is, let's say you got lucky and are at home . Since I live in a rural area of the mountains in the midst of farmlands I  already have a head start on survival and we planned it that way years ago. I'm not sure what I would do if I lived in the city, in an apartment building.So, I am considering what do those that have some semblance of control over their environment do for others ?  What will be their immediate needs?   Sanitation, water, food, shelter, warmth. Not in that order necessarily.


 Public privys will need to be erected quickly or people will defecate along the roads , as we have seen happen in areas where the homeless take residence. Human waste has been a problem in third world countries without sewerage systems.Disease quickly will become epidemic Bangladesh has ventured several years ago on a project that places 3 privys in neighborhoods, holes in the ground away from drinking water sources , that are moved and then composted into. Public outhouses could be erected along roads , maybe every 2,000 ft or so against a wooded area that could be easily dug.Those large laundry detergent containers with spouts can be set up in them for running water for hand washing. ( This would also help to ward off wandering populations from knocking on your door to use your bathroom).

In the next blog I'll address water . Does this sound crazy ?  Nope, it's not.

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