Friday, April 17, 2009

Sheep Shearing Time

I had a frustrating time last year trying to find someone who knew how to shear sheep. I was perfecting willing to learn, but needed to be shown. Electric shearers are VERY EXPENSIVE!! Several hundred dollars. The wool on my Cheviots is very dense. A special head for the shearer is a must.Finally by the end of June my poor sheep were panting in misery.They looked like 2 refrigerators walking around .I grabbed my Pampered Chef kitchen scissors and let'er rip!
Fortunately a nomadic gypsy family with many scissored hands happened by! Many styles of sheep dress were designed ! Above is WEDDING DRESS! Note the lovely train at the end!
Here is our handsome Alfalfa, the RAM, being fitted for a new pair of pants. He was absolutely fine & cooperative to be sheared from the neck down, but once his hips were reached, NO ONE was going to proceed any further!.The remainder of the summer he walked about with 'A Pair Of Pants'~sheared from the waist up but the full fleece below the waist and legs!
Here we have SWIMWARE and SHEEP Lingerie. Ewes do not swim well but love to be out in the sun.Her fleece is yellow because of the LANOLIN ( oils) in her coat. VERY good for your hands & expensive to buy.
The little boy in the picture is rubbing his belly. He wonders if he should be sheared? He is really my grandson, they both are.They are Farmer Boys and very good at what they do.They are very strong farmer boys and know how to take care of all the farm animals.They know what to feed the goats but not to feed the same to the sheep.They know what to feed the pigs, the layer chickens and the meat chickens and the horses .

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