Friday, February 13, 2009

Farming gets OLD! The romanticism of the barn, purring chickens at roosting time, the contentedness of horses & livestock eating , the gathering of potatoes in summer (like digging for GOLD!), and carrying in baskets of vegetables to your kitchen for canning or freezing gets old! Especially when it's doggone COLD outside !!!
Spring comes around & City people have a weekend off & have confiscated your fishing hole ! No matter~ you couldn't get there anyway! Too much to do! By the time feeding & cleaning & gathering are done, it's just too late to get to the fishing or favorite huntimg spot!
I am at the twilight of my youthful years.Soon I will hit 60. I worry if the apple trees, the cherry trees, the grape vines, peach & pear trees & plums will produce enough fruit to actually deal with before I get too old to care anymore.
God has a great deal to say about family matters. My area has to deal with what HE has to say about grandparenting. I am no longer planning or planning ahead. I am now LOOKING BACK.The CROWN OF OLD AGE. Proverbs 13:22 a ~~ "A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children; " . I am hoping I can leave each of my grandchildren with a START in life. But, I also have my own children. How shall I do this?? All in one lifetime??

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