Saturday, March 7, 2009

Queen of Grandma's

Mary More McTague ! A finer woman you'll never meet.Her homeland was either County Cork or County Downs Ireland.(That's where our family was from.Who was from which I don't know).She is my Great-great grandmother on my mother's side.The beginning of a steady stream of nurses that fill our family tree. Geisinger has certainly benefitted from her bloodline !!She made a dent in Larksville & Plymouth,Pa because of her fine character and kindness she showed to immigrants coming to this country.She accompanied the town doctor , delivering babies & she also helped maintain a sick house for the poor in Larksville that were stricken with Typhoid & other contagious illnesses that swept the area.
My grandmother,Margareat McCue, had a picture, a large print in a gilded frame in her parlor of a girl praying, sitting on a couch & looking toward the ceiling. It was a lovely picture.She inherited it from Mary Moore McTague, her grandmother who received it from an Irish immigrant to whom she showed kindness.He wrote back that her name was known as far west as Montana by immigrants who said "You could always count on a meal at her back gate".It was she and her husband( I don't know his name) who adopted my mother's father (Patrick McCue) after his parents Hugh & Margareat McCue died.Patrick was born in Phillipsburg, NJ, then came to Larksville with his family. Younger brothers were adopted by Sweeneys and others. Older brothers were not. His older brother 'John' or 'Charles' traveled out west looking for work & a life, but was killed by a freight train.I think he was trying to 'hop' the train & fell under it.My Uncle Charlie (my mother's brother) had his picture in his kitchen.
Many of these relatives are buried in St Vincent's Cemetry up behind Larksville Mt.


  1. Mary Moore, McTiege, Sharp: Has been an interesting woman to research. See attached Documents.

    It looks like Mary Moore may have been her maiden name. In the 1860 census they have a Mary Moore age 23 working as a domestic (servant). There seems to have only been this one Mary Moore in the Plymouth Township at this time that would have met the age criteria. Even so, looking at the age of her parents both 38 and she 23 and allowing for the nine month pregnancy, her mother would have more than likely been about 14 at the time she conceived. This Mary Moore may have been 17 or 18 and advanced her age to get the servant’s job. The other discrepancy is that the census says she was born in Pennsylvania, but according to the 1870 and 1880 census she was born in Ireland. This still does not discount her. In 1870 it shows her oldest child (Rose) as being 11. That would have taken her birth back to 1869. Again this does not discount her. I have found ages seem to always be very fluid when the census enumerator puts them down. Still I know that there are customs in European cultures that count back to what they determine the date of conception and start the birth date at that point. In short I am much more confident of 1870 and 1880 census being your Mary.

    The 1870 shows Dan and Mary McTiege(sic) and most of their children.

    The 1880 shows that Dan has died/ or gone out of the picture and that two more children of Dan and Mary have been born. Doing some calculating by young Joseph’s age he being six I would say Dan was at least around in 1873/ 4. She then married Peter Sharp and had two children by him at this time Sarah (Sadie) and John. You will also note Rose is now 21 and has the last name of Kellog (sic).

    The 1890 census: One thing that I may have not told you is that the all the1890 census records were in a fire. Only fragments remain. This has caused somewhat of a gap in history and the tracking of ones family.

    The 1900 shows Peter Sharp is a widower and that he has two daughters living with him Sadie and Catherine who was born in 1882. This may have been Mary’s last child and possible the cause of her death during child birth. Peter is a Land Lord and it looks like he is renting (next line in census) to Mary’s boy Daniel McTague (sic) and his wife.

    FYI: When you see (Do) in the census it is the same as ditto marks. The term (sic) means that it is being spelled in this document as it was spelled in the original document that the word/ name/ passage came from.

    If you are able to fill in any of the missing information that will go with what I have written I would appreciate knowing the rest of the story.

    Have fun


  2. The above comment was sent to me by Jay. He has been extremely helpful and very much appreciated with the research he has done with his expertise in researching genealogies.

    According to the June 1870 Census :

    Our great-great grandparents are Daniel 45 yrs old& Mary McTiege, both born in Ireland.
    So, Daniel was born in 1825 , was a coalminer & now a US citizen.
    Mary McTiege is 28 here, so was born in 1842.
    This census has address 155 (no street name) in Wilkes Barre Twp.

    They have 5 children (listed here.)All born in Pennsylvania.
    Rose , age 11, our great grandmother (Grandma McCue's mom)
    Mary A.,age 9 (missing from 1880 census. Also, Daniel McTiege is dead by 1880 census)
    Patrick, age 7 (who attended school that past year)
    Thomas, age 4
    Owen , age 2
    Daniel 3 mos born Feb 1871

    NEXT: is the Census June 1880 Daniel McTigue her husband, must be dead. Mary McTigue (now 39 yrs old) is married to Peter Sharp. He is 45 yrs old and is a coal miner.They live on 207 Church St.( You can go to Google Earth & satellite locate the house).He adopts Patrick (16),Thomas (15), Owen (12),and Daniel (10)~but he's actually 9 1/2 because his birthdate is Feb 1871),and Rose also lives there, but is now married & her last name is Kellog.Rose Kellog (21) would later marry Peter Burns, our great grandfather. All the McTigue boys work in the mines.It says on this census that they cannot read or write.They are probably breaker boys .I have some great pics of breaker boys I can send you, but they are not pictures of them.
    Peter Sharp & Mary also have 4 other children that were born to Peter Sharp :
    Sarah (Sadie) 3 yrs (born Apr 1878)
    John 1 yr
    Joseph 6 yrs
    Margaret 8 yrs
    I don't know if Joseph & Margaret were born to a previous wife or if they are Mary's children.These 2 are separate from Sarah & John on the census.

    2 years later Catherine is born in Feb 1882. We have no 1890 census, so we don't know what happened, but Mary McTigue is dead by the 1900 census. Check out my blog for more info on Mary McTigue. I wish we had the 1890 census because this would show that they adopted Patrick McCue, your mother's father, when he was 9 yrs old & orphaned. His other brothers & sisters were adopted by other Plymouth families , except the older brothers. Peter & Mary Sharp were good hearted people. My blog mentions Mary McTigue Sharp but I realized today what a fine man Peter Sharp was. He adopted the McTigue kids, had his own kids,plus adopted Patrick McCue. God Bless him!

    Peter Sharp (64 yrs) is now widowed, owns his own house on 3 R Cherry St , is retired from the mines & is a Landlord (under occupation). Sadie (age 22) lives there & is a domestic and Catherine (18) works in a hosiery factory.

    Daniel McTague (spelling changed now) is 29 & is no longer in the mines. Now he is a Surveyor.( He would be our great-great uncle and Rosemary Burns' brother.) He also lives in 3 R Cherry St and rents from Peter Sharp, his step-father. Daniel marries Catherine (23 in this census) born March 1877 in England but her parents were born in Ireland. Their children here are Mary (2 yrs) born Aug 1897.and Joseph (10 mos) born July 1899.
